Friday, December 20, 2013

Why it's been so long.

Well, it's been A WHILE since my last post, but that doesn't mean I haven't been busy writing.

Actually, it means I have been VERY busy writing. Writing what, you say? Oh, just a book. Yes, last week I finished the rough draft of my first (wink wink) novel. Since I am WAY too impatient to go through the ordeal of finding an agent and publishing house to pick me up, I will most likely be joining the ranks of Indie Authors in early February, which also means I have a lot of work left ahead of me. Ah, work.

I've been interested in writing since I was a child, and honestly it's been the only career choice that I've ever been interested in for more than a year or two... among the discarded 'what I want to be when I grow up' are: Park Ranger, Cafe owner, and High School Teacher. No, none of those random career paths have ANYTHING in common, other than they piqued my interest for a season or two, and it's not as if I actually did any of that. Well, I worked as a barista for a few years, but that was mostly to support my love of coffee.

 I still think I would totally rock one of those beige Park Ranger outfits... Well, probably not.

I think we can all agree that THIS
would be the best job ever.
But writing has always been, and even still is a little, something to dream about doing. Not something that I could actually do. That's like wanting to eat cake for a living, just way too awesome to be a real option. With the arrival of my second daughter this past year, and my new status as Stay At Home Mother, a job that I genuinely never imagined for myself but  just as genuinely love doing, I finally had the motivation write. Not the time, mind you. There is always something that I should be doing instead of writing. Dishes to wash, clothes to fold, beds to make, clothes to fold... My tombstone should read 'she did laundry'.

Where was I?

Oh yeah, motivated to write. My motivation? Well, as cheesy as it sounds, my motivation is to be a better role model for my daughters. Here I am, 26 yrs old, 2 kids, a college dropout and with no 'real' career options. I've accomplished little, and the only reason for that is... there's been no reason. How can I expect my daughters, who will have to overcome far more in life than I did, to follow their dreams if I'm too chicken to follow my own? I want to teach them perseverance and bravery. I want to teach them how to be better women than I will ever be. You know, because children are our future and whatnot.

So, I wrote a book and in a few weeks (6?) you'll get a chance to read it! Of course, the very thought is terrifying. Like, 'omigawd what am I thinking' kind of terrifying. But, I have to do this. I have to follow through, keep writing, and keep my fingers crossed that I don't suck at my lifelong dream. That people will buy my book and like it.

If you write it, they will come... that's how the saying goes, right? Right? No?

See? They came!

Later this week, I'll post up my synopsis so you can all get an idea of what my first novel is about. In the meantime, you can just comfort yourself with the super awesome title, which is....


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