Saturday, December 21, 2013

Gathering Water, a synopsis!

Without further ado, the synopsis for Gathering Water:

There are plenty of things I could tell you about my life; plenty of things happened during my years in an inept foster care system. But my real story—when my life really began—started on the day I turned eighteen.

It was the day I discovered who I was. I learned my real name, my dead mother’s identity, and where we come from. These simple things prompted me to pack my meager belongings, hop on a plane, and come home to the dilapidated house in North Carolina that belonged to the mother I never knew.

Even though I have a home and a family for the first time, my thoughts are still burning with unanswered questions. Like why did my mother run away? Why the heck has my skin started to tingle every time it touches the water? And who—or what—is my father really? Because it definitely isn’t human--

And if all that weren’t enough, there’s this guy, Dove. Yeah, he might be a distraction from my true purpose, but when he offers a healing hand to sooth the damage from my past, I’m helpless to resist.

All I ever wanted was to know who I am, but my journey to self-discovery might just lead to the destruction of mankind.

My name is Della Doe Deare and this, well, this is my story.

Stay tuned for more updates about my upcoming book... Also the regular stuff, like reviews and interviews, will likely be showing up again. So, watch out!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Why it's been so long.

Well, it's been A WHILE since my last post, but that doesn't mean I haven't been busy writing.

Actually, it means I have been VERY busy writing. Writing what, you say? Oh, just a book. Yes, last week I finished the rough draft of my first (wink wink) novel. Since I am WAY too impatient to go through the ordeal of finding an agent and publishing house to pick me up, I will most likely be joining the ranks of Indie Authors in early February, which also means I have a lot of work left ahead of me. Ah, work.

I've been interested in writing since I was a child, and honestly it's been the only career choice that I've ever been interested in for more than a year or two... among the discarded 'what I want to be when I grow up' are: Park Ranger, Cafe owner, and High School Teacher. No, none of those random career paths have ANYTHING in common, other than they piqued my interest for a season or two, and it's not as if I actually did any of that. Well, I worked as a barista for a few years, but that was mostly to support my love of coffee.

 I still think I would totally rock one of those beige Park Ranger outfits... Well, probably not.

I think we can all agree that THIS
would be the best job ever.
But writing has always been, and even still is a little, something to dream about doing. Not something that I could actually do. That's like wanting to eat cake for a living, just way too awesome to be a real option. With the arrival of my second daughter this past year, and my new status as Stay At Home Mother, a job that I genuinely never imagined for myself but  just as genuinely love doing, I finally had the motivation write. Not the time, mind you. There is always something that I should be doing instead of writing. Dishes to wash, clothes to fold, beds to make, clothes to fold... My tombstone should read 'she did laundry'.

Where was I?

Oh yeah, motivated to write. My motivation? Well, as cheesy as it sounds, my motivation is to be a better role model for my daughters. Here I am, 26 yrs old, 2 kids, a college dropout and with no 'real' career options. I've accomplished little, and the only reason for that is... there's been no reason. How can I expect my daughters, who will have to overcome far more in life than I did, to follow their dreams if I'm too chicken to follow my own? I want to teach them perseverance and bravery. I want to teach them how to be better women than I will ever be. You know, because children are our future and whatnot.

So, I wrote a book and in a few weeks (6?) you'll get a chance to read it! Of course, the very thought is terrifying. Like, 'omigawd what am I thinking' kind of terrifying. But, I have to do this. I have to follow through, keep writing, and keep my fingers crossed that I don't suck at my lifelong dream. That people will buy my book and like it.

If you write it, they will come... that's how the saying goes, right? Right? No?

See? They came!

Later this week, I'll post up my synopsis so you can all get an idea of what my first novel is about. In the meantime, you can just comfort yourself with the super awesome title, which is....


Friday, September 27, 2013

Striking, a Report Card... Book Review.

Report Card
Book Review

Striking (Amazon Link)
Book list price
Rachel Higginson and Lila Felix
eBook Price
Stand alone or Series
NA Romance
# in Series
1 of 4

Overall Grade
Cami has lived a life of privilege. She’s materialistic, self-involved, and immature, and when her self-destructive actions spiral down to an all-new low, her socialite parents do the only thing they can think of by sending her off to her aunts sheep farm in Tennessee where she has to earn her keep by working. As in physical labor... as in absolute torture in Cami’s mind. She meets Stockton, the desperately gorgeous, and annoying, town blacksmith. Can they be brave enough to follow their dreams and will doing that pull them further apart?
Romantic Subplot
I love these two together. Stockton and Cami have the ‘opposite’s attract’ thing down. I’m in love with their dynamic!
Nothing too new, but I love the blacksmithing angle… a lot.
There’s not really anything external to overcome in this story, all the conflict is the angsty-internal kind.
‘Adult Content’
Appropriate for older YA readers, and any steamy scenes (no actual sex) were very well written, and not cliché at all.
Dum-dumdumduuuummmmm. Well done, and not contrived. Yay.

Great cast of original characters. They were complete and well rounded, with strengths and weaknesses that were true to their characters. No cookie cutouts in this book!
Cami is great. By that, I mean she seems real; she’s certainly not lovable at the beginning of the book. But we watch her undergo real growth, and I like that.
Other Protagonist
Sexy, muscular, artistic, responsible? Seriously, what’s not to love?
Supporting characters.
They were great, but you only get a chance to fall in love with a couple of them; this story is very focused on Cami and Stockton
Overall Development
The main character could have been based off of real people, that’s how well developed they were. Realistic problems.
Character relationships
Finally a love story with the characters taking the time to know each other before pulling out the ‘L’ word. Minor points off for the ‘drawn to each other at first sight’, but I take points off of all romance books for that… personal preference!
Good role model
Cami is a great role model. Not because she always does the right thing, but because she learns from her mistakes. By the end of the book, she is willing to sacrifice a love (twoo wove) because she deserves respect and trust.

This would be an A but for some grammatical errors. The story flowed really well, and was easy to follow without being elementary. We got a perfect feeling for the characters, and a pretty decent one of their surroundings.
Author’s Voice
These two women alternated chapters, each taking a main characters POV for the entire story. It was a very smart move, and we got a separate feeling from each protagonist, and therefore author.
In the edition I read, there were several small errors in grammar and punctuation. That being said, I read an ARC (in exchange for an honest review), so they may have been corrected by release date. Either way, it didn’t detract from the story for me.
Punctuation, spelling and grammar

Additional Notes- A great romance read. This is in the New Adult genre, which is one that I’m not overly familiar with, but it seems to fit the bill. The story is good, the character development in Cami is great, and I really love how the main characters aren’t perfect and how they get in their own way more than anything else; it’s very realistic.

  • ·       Some steamy make-out scenes, I’d still give this book an A-OK for teens to read even though it’s directed at 18-20somethings.
  • ·       There will be more books in this series, each dedicated to one of Stocktons siblings. That means 3 more books.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Book Boyfriends, and Where to Find Them: Daemon Sadi


So, here's the thing. Out there, in fantasy-land, are a plethora of uber sexy, talented, hunky men. They litter our dreams books, and sometimes raise our expectations to unrealistic levels in our (your, I'm married!) dating life.
But, hey. It's still fun to ogle these imaginary men.
So, I'm starting a blog series here of favorite Literary-Lova's, Book-Boyfriends, and Fantasy-Fella's... I'll tell you a little about the guy, and a little about the book/s they're featured in. Feel free to click the cover pick; it'll take you straight to Amazon, where you enter their world (by buying the book!).

Daemon Sadi, from the Black Jewels Trilogy by Anne Bishop. This man has dark hair, golden skin and eyes, and a body worthy of a sex-slave.... which is basically what he's been for over a millennia. So, he has a few issues with women. Being the most powerfully magicked living man will do that to you if you're being enslaved by a sadistic tyrant of a woman. He's broody, powerful, and devastating. Literally. This man has plowed down entire towns with his power when he gets in a mood. He's charming, and loyal to those he loves... and he was destined to love the most important woman of all time. Dreams Made Flesh. Witch. Jaenelle. Of course he first meets her when she's to young to, ahem, appreciate him, but he's already waited over a thousand years, what's a few more when it's a matter of destiny?
Daemon is a man that knows how to sacrifice for a cause. A man that, though he is nicknamed 'the Sadist' by his enemies, is gentle and patient... and willing to annihilate the enemies of those that he loves.

Daughter of the Blood synopsis:
The Dark Kingdom is preparing itself for the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy the arrival of a new Queen, a Witch who will wield more power than even the High Lord of Hell himself. But this new ruler is young, and very susceptible to influence and corruption; whoever controls her controls the Darkness. And now, three sworn enemies begin a ruthless game of politics and intrigue, magic and betrayal...and the destiny of an entire world is at stake....

Heir to the Shadows synopsis:
Enough time has passed for the young girl Jaenelle, heir to the magical Darkness, for her physical wounds to heal, while amnesia keeps her frightening memories at bay. But with Saetan--a Black-Jewelled Warlord Prince and Jaenelle's foster-father--to protect her, she will continue to grow. Her magic will mature. Her memories will return. And Jaenelle will face her destiny when she remembers Daemon, Saetan's son, who made the ultimate sacrifice for her love...

Queen of the Darkness synopsis:
Jaenelle Angelline now reigns as Queen-protector of the Shadow Realm. No longer will the corrupt Blood slaughter her people and defile her lands. But where one chapter ends, a final, unseen battle remains to be written, and Jaenelle must unleash the terrible power that is Witch to destroy her enemies once and for all.

Even so, she cannot stand alone. Somewhere, long lost in madness, is Daemon, her promised Consort. Only his unyielding love can complete her Court and secure her reign. Yet, even together, their strength may not be enough to hold back the most malevolent of forces.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Love&Decay, Epidsode 4

click the pic to go to and buy
the novella for $.99
This weeks episode of our favorite Novella series is Haleylicious. Being in her POV for a change, we really get to know this girl as something more than Reagan's bestie.

The crew found a rare treasure in their travels... electricity. Run by solar panels, the house and surrounding land at first seem a godsend. At least for a temporary retreat.

You'd think the day couldn't get any better right? After all, Haley finally has a chance to charge her iPod and listen to music to calm her overactive brain, she has a hunky man that kisses like a dream and is willing to woo her in a world gone to chaos, and they're relatively safe...

But then Page, the Parker's little sister, and someone Haley and Reagan have fully adopted into their hearts, get sick. Looks like strep throat. But without antibiotics and no way to reduce the fever, this illness could spell disaster, and heartache, for the team.

A stranger, just a boy, shows up and swears he know where some meds are... And Hendrix and Nelson are just the guys to volunteer to go.

But is is worth the risk to sneak into a militia's to get them?

And will they get back in time to save their sister?

We won't find out until the Episode 5.
Yeah, cliffhanger time.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

eBook Freebies That I Would Have Happily Paid For... they're THAT good

This should be your face right now.
Discovering Amazon's Top 100 Free Bestselling List is one of the best things that has ever happened to me... or at least one of the best things to ever happen to my entertainment life. About once a week I find myself perusing through this list just buying freebies up. And my eyes are usually bigger than my... eyes? My reading eyes?? Well, I usually get way more books than I have time to read. But here's the thing, they're free so it doesn't matter. I've discovered a number of new fav's by doing this: favorite authors and series, and hell I discovered the YA Dystopian genre this way (I was a little late on the Hunger Games bandwagon...).
So, here is my list of favorite freebies... and go get them, now! Because they might not stay free... there were several other books that I desperately wanted to share with you, but the author's have started charging since I first bought them... So I can't, at least not on this blog.
Just click the cover image. It'll bring you to where you can purchase these wonderful freebies.

The Book of Deacon, by Joseph Lallo. I give it 4 Stars. It did take me a little while to get into this book, but I'm glad I stuck with it. Book 2 is already out, and a little more action packed.
Myranda is a young woman more interested in staying alive than being a hero. Orphaned by a continent-spanning war that has gone on for decades too long and shunned for failing to support it, she has been on the move since she was only a child. One can hardly blame her when she thinks that the chance discovery of a fallen soldier's priceless cargo is the moment that will change her life. No one could predict just how great that change would be. It will lead her through an adventure of rebels and generals, of wizards and warriors, and of beasts both noble and monstrous. Each step of the way will take her closer to the truth of her potential, of the war, and of the fate of her world.

Call of the Herald, by Brian Rathbone. I give it 4.5 Stars. I immediately went and got the second book after reading this.
Echoes of the ancients' power are distant memories, tattered and faded by the passage of eons, but that is about to change. A new dawn has arrived. Latent abilities, harbored in mankind's deepest fibers, wait to be unleashed. Ancient evils awaken, and old fears ignite the fires of war. When a Catrin Volker, a teenage horse trainer, inadvertently fulfills the prophecy of the destroyer, she becomes the most feared and hunted person on all of Godsland. With the help of her friends, she must convince the world that she wants only peace.

Gravity, by Abigail Boyd. I give it 4 stars. Again, I immediately ran out and bought the next in this series... then the next one after that. I had a few issues with the parents, but clearly not enough to hate the series.
One night in the town of Hell, Ariel's best friend goes missing. Those around her believe Jenna ran away, but when Ariel is tormented by nightmares and paranormal activity, she realizes Jenna's disappearance was part of a bigger mystery. Ariel's obsession with haunted houses and horror movies makes her the perfect detective.
But to complicate matters, a handsome newcomer named Henry Rhodes plagues her with unwanted attention. Though he doesn't believe in the supernatural events, she enlists his help and that of quirky nerd Theo. What is making the lights at school flicker? And why did Ariel dream of the old abandoned Dexter orphanage? When Ariel finally discovers the truth, it's much worse than she ever feared. 

Darkness Falls, by Jessica Sorensen. 4.75 stars. I freaking loved this. Has vampire-type creatures but were incredibly different. Plus, it was dystopian... dystopian meets vampire. Yeah.
When the disease spread through the world, people had no choice but to go into hiding. The Colony is hidden deep underground, far away from the vampires—humans that were transformed by the disease. The vampires are hideous, starving, and they will kill any human they come across.
Seventeen-year-old Kayla is a Bellator, a warrior that protects The Colony. In order to survive, there are three rules she must follow:
Rule #1—Never go out after dark.
Rule #2—Always carry a weapon.
Rule #3—No matter what, never EVER get bit.
But what happens when the rules Kayla has always lived by can no longer apply? 
The Highers run The Colony and accept nothing less than perfection. One slip up can mean death. Kayla has always worked hard to follow the rules and strive for perfection. But during a moment of weakness, she lets her imperfections show. Her punishment is worse than death. She is chosen for The Gathering and is thrown out into a world full of starving vampires. 
No one has ever survived The Gathering, at least that’s what Kayla’s been told. But when she runs into a group who insist they were once part of The Gathering, Kayla discovers the Highers have been keeping secrets. Secrets that could lead to a cure.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Interview with Fang, from the Demon Underground Series.

Picture of Fang
"...I'm part-hellhound, part poodle,
part terrier, and all snark."

The Demon Underground series, by the fabulous Parker Blue, is one of the first series that I read and fell in love with on my Kindle. Ms. Blue does such a wonderful job creating characters with depth; characters that are so much more than the prevalent archetypes that litter the YA genres. Characters that are, in fact, so complete I decided to do an interview with one.

Fang, first I'd like to welcome you to my blog. I'm very excited to get to know you a little more. Why don't you tell our readers who, exactly, you are.

Fang:  Thank you!  Well, I fool a lot of people into thinking I’m a cute and cuddly little doggie.  Not!  My friend Val Shapiro says I’m part-hellhound, part poodle, part terrier, and all snark.  I have no clue where she gets that.

I was assigned to show Val the Demon Underground ropes after her parents kicked her out of the house on her eighteenth birthday.  We kind of became besties and hang out together, kicking evil vamp butt and keeping San Antonio safe for human and demonkind.

One of your abilities is the power to telepathically communicate and read the minds of demons and part-demons. Clearly you know your friends very well because of this, and there have been several times that your ability has been used to the benefit of your friends and allies, but are there any drawbacks to being able to read the mind of those around you? Ever heard anything you wish you hadn't?

Fang: Hoo, boy. You bet! Especially since Val is, you know, a succubus. I wish I could tune out when she turns on any guy who gets within her energy field, but it ain’t easy. Humans make such a deal out of the whole lust thing, but I’m no peeping Fang.

When we last left Val her relationship with Shade, her shadow-demon boyfriend, was in turmoil. We have recently gotten a chance to learn more about his past, but that doesn't really help Val's broken heart. How is our kick-butt heroine doing? The girl hasn't had the best of luck in the love department; will that be changing anytime soon?

Fang: Well, in Dare Me, she’s got two studpuppies drooling over her—both Shade and the sexy cowboy vampire, Austin.  She’s having a hard time deciding between them, but this time, she has to actually get off the pot and make a choice. And when she does, he does something kinda cool for her in the end.

Val has semi-hated her 'Lola' powers since she hit puberty. How does she feel about the fact that they are now rapidly diminishing because of her spell-use?

Fang: She’s kinda missing them, you know? Especially since the rogue vamps all know her as the Slayer and she has a lot of enemies.  Kinda hard to control the bad guys when Lola isn’t able to grab ‘em by the chakras and give ‘em what for.

A lot of readers consider you to be Val's trusty sidekick. What do you feel about that? Do you agree?

Fang: Heck, no. She’s my sidekick! Okay, okay, we’re each others’ sidekicks, I’ll give you that. 

What can we expect next in the story of Fang and Val? Trouble with Vampires? Other demons?

Fang: Well, I can’t say too much, but it starts out with human trouble, of all things, humans hunting shadow demons.  But the humans have super strength and speed, so it takes us awhile to figure out what they really are. And it’s a bigger baddie than we’ve ever fought before.

What do you hope readers take from your and Val's story? Any nuggets of wisdom you'd like to share?

Fang: It’s all about being true to yourself, not selling yourself short, and finding a place to belong. Plus you don’t have to share DNA to be family; true family consists of people who care about you.

How's fatherhood been treating you? Has Princess mellowed out a bit now that she has something to distract her from... herself? Will the pups be following their father’s paw prints in vampire/crime fighting?

Fang:  You’ll see a different side of Princess in this book.  Turns out there’s more to her than most people know.  As for the pups…that remains to be seen.  They’re not even weaned yet! But if I have anything to say about it, they’ll all be clones of their proud papa.

I'd like to thank you for taking time to sit and talk with me. I'm sure you have things to do, people to bite. But first I'd like to ask one last question: if the world were ending and you had any choice of a last meal, what would it be, where would you eat it, and what company would you share it with?

Fang:  That’s an easy one—pizza!  On the Riverwalk in San Antonio with Val and Princess and my kids, natch.

Thanks again! Look forward to seeing more of y'all at the next book release, Dare Me, which is set to come out next month.

Fang:  Thank you! It was fun. You’re pretty cool, for a human.

Thanks Fang!

Fun facts
Some of the following links will take you to, where you can buy these tasty treats... or just read the synopsis.
  • The next book in the series is called Dare Me, and is set to release in September 2013
  • Her previous books in the Demon Underground series are, in order:Bite MeTry MeFang MeMake Me, 
    • Forget You (Demon Underground Series) is a novella about Shade and is based before the events in the first book. It is currently FREE, and you can absolutely read it before everything else since it can act as a stand alone.... and an addictive introduction to the series that will make you HAVE to read more.
  • She also has a story in the anthology Magick Rising, it's about a man trying to rid himself of Lycanthropy (he's a werewolf), which is killing him. There might be a Wiccan woman to help... and love.
  • To find out more about Parker Blue, check out her website HERE
    • or her Facebook HERE 
    • there's also her Twitter (HERE) and her Pinterest page (HERE) that you can follow

Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Funny Truth... memes for the book lover

Because we also like to laugh, here are a few book-related meme's I found funny... 


Striking Blog Tour, All Aboard!

Have you seen the synopsis, and cover, of Striking yet (check it out HERE, if not!)? The fabulous book, co-written by Rachel Higginson and Lila Felix is set to release on September first. To get y'all good and ready for it (yes, I live in The South), we're doing a blog tour. Actually, there will be two blog tours going on for the next 3 weeks.

Here are all the stops, updated as they come in.

8-22 An Interview with Rachel Higginson, by me of course. It's awesome... we talk about writing, motherhood, and the ever important coffee.

8-24 Author Interview with Lila Felix and Rachel Higginson, by Christy at Christy's Written Word Love. They discuss the sexiness of blacksmithing, and how they initially partnered up to write Striking! Lots of great things I didn't think to ask, haha.

8-26 Reckless Rebels Blog Tour-Charming Interview with Lila Felix and Rachel Higginson, co-authors of Striking (Forged in Fire #1), by Haley and Caylie at H&C Reads. These lovely ladies talk about big life moments, their favorite scenes to write in Striking, and their most emotional book scenes for them to write.

8-28 Character Interview w/ the stars of Striking by Rachel Higginson and Lila Felix, by Christina on Christina's Book Reviews. A great interview with Cami and Stockton, the lead characters in this great book.

More to come, as they come!